Tuesday, October 14, 2008


There are many kind of drugs out there and now a days a lot of kids are starting to do them it's sad. Some people are starting at young ages and it's not good. Some people don't realize that they are bad until they try it and then get addicted to it and that's when everything gets bad. Some drugs are a lot worse then others but they are all not good and shouldn't be done. I know i can't say i haven't done drugs because i have. Its not something i may be proud of but i wont do some of them again after doing them a little bit I'm done and wont do it anymore because most of them can get you addicted and you cant stop. I have done weed, cigarettes, coke, and i have drank. I'm not proud of the coke what so ever but i did it and its in my past i can tell all of you though not to do it because its stupid and it screws up your life. Do good in life go to school, don't do drugs, be a good son or daughter, don't turn out like some of us that don't care and that have screwed up and cant really change anything. So stay away from the bad drugs or you will just fail your life and maybe lose it one day from doing what you are doing and being stupid. Just be smart and do the right thing. :D

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