Saturday, December 27, 2008


What is relationships and friendships all about now?
It is full of liars, backstabbers.
Why do people think that all of this is fine.

What do people think that lying is okay to do, its really not okay at all. People get hurt by your lies. Just be an honest person and people will learn to love you for you and not for what you are trying to be.
People always try to be someone there not and be cool but really the only way you are going to be liked is for you to be yourself and not someone your not. The best way to be liked to be yourself.
If people don't you for yourself then that's there problem don't try and impress people to be there friends, your friends should like you because of who you are not for some fake people that you are not.
Why do people have to be such backstabbers what is the point of that people always get back stabbed and it sucks and people steal from friends that's not right people should do that. Its cruel and disrespectful. People that are nice with money and always help others out should not be treated that way and get shit stolen from them.

You will get no where in life if you steal from friends you will just lose all of your friends all you will have is yourself and no one that cares about you. So don't steal its not the right thing to do and its not nice.

Everyone should be themselves and love people for who they are like i love my friends for who they are i don't care what they look like or about anything all i look for in people is personality and that's the key thing to look for in people. Some people may not make great first impressions but they deserve to get more because not all people are good at first impressions.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


I think that love comes in all different sizes, races, genders. It really should not matter what you or any one else is. People can be so against people that are gay, lesbian, bi, like really who cares let them be happy with who they want it does not affect you. I have friends and also family that are bi, lesbian, gay and it does not bother me I'm happy for them it makes me happy just seeing them happy with someone they want to be with. I will never lose respect for the loved ones i have that are bi, lesbian, or gay, they are still the person they were to me before they were gay, lesbian, or bi so why would i change my feelings about them and be different towards them i can care less I'm happy for anyone that can find love weather or not they are straight or not.


Love is Love.
Don't discriminate the ones that may not be straight.
Let them be if you don't like it don't be around them.
If you agree with this i think you should vote "NO" on Prop 8.
I think that there should be gay and lesbian marriage it does not affect your lives, so let them control there lives and let them be happy with who they want.
Don't take that away from them just let them be happy that's all i can ask for.

Thanks for reading this.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


There are many kind of drugs out there and now a days a lot of kids are starting to do them it's sad. Some people are starting at young ages and it's not good. Some people don't realize that they are bad until they try it and then get addicted to it and that's when everything gets bad. Some drugs are a lot worse then others but they are all not good and shouldn't be done. I know i can't say i haven't done drugs because i have. Its not something i may be proud of but i wont do some of them again after doing them a little bit I'm done and wont do it anymore because most of them can get you addicted and you cant stop. I have done weed, cigarettes, coke, and i have drank. I'm not proud of the coke what so ever but i did it and its in my past i can tell all of you though not to do it because its stupid and it screws up your life. Do good in life go to school, don't do drugs, be a good son or daughter, don't turn out like some of us that don't care and that have screwed up and cant really change anything. So stay away from the bad drugs or you will just fail your life and maybe lose it one day from doing what you are doing and being stupid. Just be smart and do the right thing. :D